A Proposal to Save Food

Dear faculty, students, and parents,

General Secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to saving food, and emphasized that we should cultivate the habit of saving food and create an atmosphere of taking pride in thrift in the whole society. Therefore, we propose the following initiatives to the teaching staff and parents:

First, be an advocate of the "civilized dining table". Cultivating civilized and healthy eating habits has gradually become a social consensus. We should use public chopsticks and public spoons when eating in restaurants, canteens, or even at home. More importantly, we should advocate thrift and try to avoid waste.


Second, be a practitioner of cleaning the plate. We should put the concept of thrift into practice, advocate reasoning ordering, rational consumption, and civilized dining. Try to have a healthy diet, prepare food properly, order food properly, avoid leftovers, and make cleaning the plate and packing food a fashion.

Third, be a supervisor against waste. We should start from now, cherish every meal, and save every grain. We should also take actions to stop waste and work together to live a civilized and healthy life.

Fourth, be a publicist of thrift. We must always take the initiative to spread the knowledge to people around us, so that the concept of thrift can take root in people's hearts. Let’s start from one grain of rice and one drop of oil, and develop the habit of thrifty in the whole society.


Let us take actions to get rid of the bad habits, cultivate a civilized, safe, rational, and healthy consumption concept, and try to save food and avoid waste.